Coastal Bend College Esports to host Super Smash Bros Tournament.

Coastal Bend College Esports to host Super Smash Bros Tournament.

Beeville, TX-  The Coastal Bend College Esports program will be hosting a Super Smash Bros Tournament later this month at the Beeville campus. There will be three divisions competing in the tournament: High School Juniors and younger, High School Seniors, and Adults. CBC Esports is proud to host their first public video game tournament with hopes of doing more events in the future. 

Who: Anyone and everyone - No Fee 

Where: Coastal Bend College- Beeville, TX (Student Union Building)

When: March 26th arrive at 11:00 AM for registration

Prizes will be awarded to the winners of each divsion- $100.00 gift card, $250.00 scholarship for CBC and $25.00 Nintendo gift card.

Registration link:

For more information please contact CBC Head Esports Coach, Brenden Wardlaw at 361-354-2509 or by email